e-Calendar on your Mobile Phone
Are you the tech savvy kind?
Do you want THE BANGALORE PRESS calendar events side-by-side with your daily appointments from your corporate calendar?
Would you like to use your favourite gadget to view the Hindu, Chandramana, Sowramana, Muslim calendar events from THE BANGALORE PRESS calendar?
Good news, THE BANGALORE PRESS calendar events are now available to be loaded on your favourite gadget. Here is how you do it.
You would need a Google account (or a GMail account)
Link the BANGALORE PRESS Calendar to your Google Calendar.
Click here to automatically link the BANGALORE PRESS calendar to your Google Account (Link will open in a new window)
You will need to enter your Google / GMail username & password. (The link redirects to Google's site, so we do not have access to your username and password, and we wouldn't store it.). If you are already logged into your GMail account, then the username, password prompt will be bypassed.
You will get a confirmation that the calendar has now been linked to your Google account
You will now need to setup your device to sync to Google's calendar - We do not know what device you have, so you are on your own here. Below is a link that would help you with your setup.
https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/151674?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid#zippy=%2Cother-devicesThe BANGALORE PRESS calendar will be loaded with events 3-months at a time. This should immediately reflect on your device the moment we load the events.
You can now conveniently use the events on your favorite device.