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THE BANGALORE PRESS is a household name in Karnataka, which has been synonymous with quality and accuracy of information. It has gained wide popularity, especially for its trademark calendars – calendars known for the accuracy and reliability of the information contained, catering to people irrespective of location, religion or caste. These calendars have been reaching new heights every year – the 2024 calendar marks its 104th uninterrupted publication!!
The company has evolved over its 100+ years and now has more than 130 products in its portfolio. THE BANGALORE PRESS calendars, Mallige Panchanga Darshini, Table Calendars have been widely received. The company also offers a wide variety of diaries, from diaries for various professions, to pocket diaries and panchangas, to special collector’s diaries like the Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu Sahasranama, Lalitha Sahasranama diaries. All of these products can also be customised, by adding your / your company's name and pictures in their pages.
The company also publishes various books of repute like Dr. Swaminathan's Food & Nutrition series, Chakravarthi Srinivasa Gopalacharya's 6 volume, Samskrutha-Kannada shabdakosha, etc.
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